Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Timcast IRL - James O'Keefe In Studio With BREAKING Expose On Google Election Interference

Google caught election rigging?

James O'Keefe, posing as a pimp, goes undercover showing ACORN was involved in election rigging [found here] in a hit piece on him. Again proving the trolls out there are more prevalent than honest independent news gathers.

BitChute, Liveleak, and especially Google products like YouTube and Blogger, which you are viewing now, are being censored. The UN is Censorship, run by Communists, to lock down the world for [the Great Reset]. 

I am still not seeing ANY reporting on CNN regarding the Pedophilia on Robert Hunter Biden's laptop regarding the pedophilia and child rape, and torture. Has Hunter been arrested yet? Of course not, American Justice, the FBI are run by UN Chinese Communist [C-Word Plural Snipped]. 

What is on Hunter's laptop is not so important for the pedophilia, abut it is proof that the Bidens, Clintons, and the Obamas and the brass of the whole Socialist Democrat Party in the UN has sold out for personal profit, and because Chinese Intelligence has Blackmail Files on almost all of them. 

If the FBI was doing their job back in September 2019, there would be no lock down, no masks, no social distancing, and no need for a vaccine for something that just really doesn't have the death numbers to justify the reaction. Check out the video at the bottom of the post on this blog before this one. 

Will any of the Bidens, Clintons, and the Obamas be arrested for colluding with China, using the UN, to rip off all Americans and the entire world to benefit World Bankers, 5 Corporations, Communist China, and puppeteers of the United Nations UNESCO? Of course not, wear your mask, go on with your soon to be severely limited now pathetic life.

Timcast IRL - James O'Keefe In Studio With BREAKING Expose On Google Election Interference [Direct Link to Tim Pool BitChute Video]



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