Thursday, October 15, 2020

RINO and Stink Finger Sniffer Jump the Shark?

Happy Days - Fonzie Jumps the Shark, creating an expression for decades

As a "Republican in name Only", Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker isn't supporting Donald J. Trump. So, is Baker for lock downs, riots, the end of small business, and the US Constitution? It seems that way. 

If no children have died of COVID as a first cause in the State of Massachusetts, why are schools closed. Is there some sort of study that the CDC, has waffled on, such as mask, where there is scientific proof that masks that I can smoke a cigar through, blow smoke through, and then smell my own farts through are effective like a NASA Space Suit to prevent viral infections? 

Are there more dead people because of the lock down versus the Flu with a scary name? 

Either 99% of the population is too stupid to fight back, or too lazy. Either way, if Bill Gates is issuing end of life vaccines no matter your age, I am not first in line. If at least 1 in 100 consider being forced vaccinated, assault and/or attempted murder, and fight back, maybe all this BS will end. 

There are more posts and videos on this blog. Robert Hunter Biden may have caused the Socialist Democrat Party, and the COVID Scam, to have jumped the shark. 

In Massachusetts, would the UN, and the International Police Union, and a Prosecutor (Martha Coakley) high up in the International Police Union also be okay with a police officer (Keith Windfield) raping a 2 year old baby with a hot curling iron?:

Joe Biden Slow Pitch Softball Clown Hall -- Full Dematard Achievement Unlocked [direct link to the below video]


Picture up top was [found here].


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