Sunday, October 04, 2020

UN Child Traffickers want all of us locked down, why? Did China collude with UN Pedophiles?

Without a worldwide lock down, pedophile networks all over the world would be arrested, convicted, and spend the rest of their lives in prison. Instead, the parents of the victims are locked down, and are under house arrest. The house arrest might be indefinite as long as there are pedophiles who want to escape justice and just keep molesting children, shutting off our free speech.

.....a War on WHAT?! [Direct link to video]

House Dems Vote To Coverup Child Sex Trafficking [Direct link to video]

Get Woke Go Broke - Goodbye Starbucks [Direct link to video] (UK Tommy Robinson)

The TRUMP card is Played Military will Oversee ELECTIONS. [Richie from Boston] (Are BLM and Antifa poised to take Trump out? Is the US now a banana republic? Barack Obama accepted a position, a chair at the UN. Will Obama re-appear as the UN Leader of the US in December?)



Excerpt from [Seemorerocks]:

A focus on China's silent takeover of the United States

Since the "outbreak" of SARS-covid2 and China's involvement in that I have had to modify my stance about China. Perhaps it is true that BOTH sides are out to destroy each other and in the case of China this might have been the case for some time.

Definitely worth a listen!

 China’s Silent Takeover While America's Elite Slept

Retired Bigadier General Robert S.Spalding is an establishment figure and explains the Trump administration's position towards China better than anyone else.

He also gives a pretty good explanation of 5G and why it is important as he explains that the US tech companies have adopted the CCP line and are hand-in-glove with them.


The Threat of 5G

Here is the entire interview.

Although he adopts an Establishment point-of-view and does not address US aggression towards China and ignores everything that was revealed by Edward Snowden about NSA spying on the entire world there is much to be gained by listening to this interview.

China’s Silent Takeover While America's Elite Slept

General Robert S.Spalding is not a nobody. He has a pedigree.

[More from Source, seemorerocks]


The Coming War On China (China Documentary) | History Documentary | Reel Truth History (Uploaded March 2019, and might be a UN/Libtard/Communist Chinese propaganda piece, but it presents some interesting sights, sounds, and information)


Text with video: 

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. 

The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China is viewed in Washington as a threat to American dominance. 

To counter this, President Obama announced a ‘pivot to Asia’, which meant that almost two-thirds of all US naval forces would be transferred to Asia and the Pacific, their weapons aimed at China. 

A policy which has been taken up by his successor Donald Trump, who during his election campaign said “We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing”. 

Filmed on five possible front-lines across Asia and the Pacific over two years, the story is told in chapters that connect a secret and ‘forgotten’ past to the rapacious actions of great power today and to a resistance, of which little is known in the West. 

Distributed by Sideways Films Welcome to Reel Truth History, the home of gripping and powerful documentaries. Here you can watch both full length documentaries and series that explore some of the most comprehensive pieces of world history.

Why I Changed my Opinion on China (Uploaded September 2019, it seem China had planned on attacking the world. This video is circumstancial evidence)


The picture up top was [found here]. 


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