Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Complaint to the Connecticut Attorney General:

November 12, 2003

Erickson letter to Connecticut Attorney General

Subject: Uppity Landlords

Dear Attorney General Blumenthal

I watched as children grew into teens smoking cigarettes, then marijuana, committing crimes, quitting school and making working people suffer for years in downtown Connecticut. I informed police of drug activities, vandalism, thefts, when I was threatened and assaulted, with little to no results, and received arrogant, condescending treatment if my complaints were even to be taken but not followed up on.

Tenants could move in without permission, sell cocaine, crack, heroine, drink excessively, assault and threaten each other, threaten me, leave their kids without food and supervision while out drugging and drinking, commit felony property damage, commit fraud, build pipe bombs and set off explosives and incendiary devices near children and the list goes on.

If I was a member of a protected group, the US Constitution would apply to me and I would have gotten some type of protection and service, but I am a landlord. A police officer told me he did not serve landlords and neither did the courts when I tried to have him take a felony property damage complaint. The prosecutor in Rockville also refused to pursue that and other cases as I was a landlord. I tried to have Judge Jonathan Kaplan removed as I perceived him to be biased against landlords and contractors. I complained against the police officer and tried to have the prosecutor fired for not doing his job.

I fixed up boarded up multi family houses, working for years, sacrificing time with my family, vacations, and income for 4 years thinking I would retire in Connecticut in 12 years when I would own about $500,000 in real estate and have the $6500 gross monthly rental income as my retirement.

A legislators aid warned me to leave Connecticut for my safety as she told me police were ripping mad at legislation I proposed, ‘Civilian Oversight’ of police and for what I had written in the newspapers informing the public of Connecticut’s downtown drug and crime problems and the bias against landlords in courts and at the hands of police.

I was so upset after seeing frauds that had bilk me drive around in their BMW and Volvo not working using and selling drugs, and about the lack of anything being done about the teenagers buying, selling drugs, drinking, wrecking my property, and fighting all hours on my front yard with nothing being done by police other than informing the vandals and drug dealers who had called the police on them, me. I wrote Bush 9-15-01, tagging the letter with SBA and HUD issues, about the issues in this paragraph, and received letters and phone calls from HUD and SBA. I wrote letters to the editor, printed in the newspaper on the same theme.

I was then harassed, terrorized, and threatened all hours for weeks and could not go to the police as they were part of allegedly harassing and threatening me out of town. After being able to dodge my tormentor by always being behind a locked door, he jumped me from behind, beating me about the back of my head and back threatening to kill me if I did not give up my wallet, 10-11-01. I was carrying pepper spray as my assailant had mentioned cutting my penis off at the top of his voice on a previous occasion, while banging on my door after midnight waking me up and disturbing neighbors and tenants. My tormentor continued to harass and terrorize me and grabbed me in a public restaurant, with police refusing to do anything.

Police officers refused to take my complaint and would not arrest my assailant, would not look at my injuries, would not interview witness at the time I was assaulted, and later committed perjury regarding not taking my statement to get me convicted. Connecticut State Police Internal Affairs refused to take nor deny my complaints regarding officers committing perjury, harassing me, and telling me to leave Connecticut “or else.”

I believe there is a policy to eradicate Connecticut of landlords to get rid of those perceived as riffraff, renters. I was sentenced to a year in prison, 3 years probation for using pepper spray! It is now in the process of happening to another landlord.

Drug dealers, vandals, frauds, thieves, and other criminals receive warnings or no prison time in many cases if they are even caught by police. The prosecutor refused to offer me AR to erase my charges, a program I was entitled to for the $100 fee.

Were these officials acting in the public’s best interest acting in collusion, committing perjury and other crimes, aiding and abetting criminals and drug dealers to railroad a landlord to prison and out of Connecticut?

If the US Constitution applies in Connecticut, please look into my allegations.

Thank you,Steven G. EricksonPO Box 730Enfield, CT 06083 (mail forwarded from this address)

P.S. I spent last Thanksgiving and other holidays in prison last year. Since I now an almost penniless former inmate, my daughter and family aren’t speaking to me and I am not spending Thanksgiving with them again this year, which would not have been the case if police had not acted illegally in railroading me out of my home, life, pets, retirement, credit, family/friends, business, and former clean criminal record. I have been robbed of my hopes and dreams after watching little or nothing done about the actual criminals.

I believe Judge Kaplan had personal reasons and may have been asked to really teach ‘Big Mouth’ a lesson. Kaplan heard my assailant admit to threatening my life while demanding money. Isn’t that attempted robbery, threatening, assault, and breach of peace? My case and others show me that a landlord can get arrested and sent to prison for being forced to defend him/herself and the assailant/criminal will be used by the prosecution to barbeque the landlord for being an outspoken landlord.

I respectfully request being taken off the 3 years probation and having my bogus charges erased. I could not flee from my tormentor and was forced to defend myself on my own property, a natural human reaction. I was declared the ‘VICTIM’ in the follow up police report.

The biggest question why wasn’t the attempted robber/assailant ever arrested? There is a similar case going to pre-trial and Enfield, CT, next week so this illegal behavior is not an isolated incident, but possibly a covert policy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

New address:
Steven G. Erickson
972 Putney Rd. # 156
Brattleboro, VT 05301

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:32:00 AM  

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