Bill Windsor, exposed The Black Robe Mafia of Judges

Bill Windsor, Lawless America, the movie, website:
I never have someone who might still be alive, get so much negative attention.
I don't know if Bill ever released his movie. He went to maybe all the states in the US collecting stories of judicial misconduct.
He took footage of my story, and I took video of what he shot of me:
What stands out the most with my time with Bill, was when a State of Maine woman was going to go on camera about the extend of corruption of a Maine judge. The woman picked up her cellphone and the caller said that he saw her son in front of him. He mentioned the name of the judge, told the woman not to talk to Bill, and the woman heard a car motor race, and then a horrific crashing sound as her son was plowed into with the car. I don't believe her son passed just after the "accident", but she didn't talk to Bill about that judge.
Wherever Bill went, police informants were paid to harass, attack, rob, and make false statements against Bill Windsor. Judges didn't want anyone to know that the international police union pretty much can influence any criminal, or civil case, either way.
The guilty go free. The innocent go to prison:
Bill, if you are still out there, shoot me an email:
thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
If my video channel is still up, I will be amazed:
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