Saturday, March 20, 2021

Pink Eye, because of Fecal Matter, might be a worse Pandemic. Fly Safe "Butt Plug" Up?

Up to 6,000,000 people are affected by [Pink Eye] aka Viral conjunctivitis, a common Ocular Disease. Worldwide, the transmission of this scourge, might exceed that of the Common Cold, or the 2019 escapee out of an alleged Chinese Germ Warfare Lab in Wuhan. So, is Pink Eye, a worse "Pandemic" based on "cases"?

Doctor "F" whose last name begins with "F", and world health organizations seemingly run by the Communist Chinese Intelligence Wings as a Psy-Op, may claim "Pandemics" have nothing to do with death, or anything that is a global threat, but is something that can be easily transmitted, or caught. So, the definition of a Pandemic may include Pink Eye.

All content on this blog, my other blogs and video channels [bitchute], and on [the Stark Raving Viking blog] is opinion, commentary, sometimes creative writing, and if the "Deep State" actually existed, choke ... choke ..., it could be considered fiction. This is a disclaimer for all Steven G. Erickson blogs, current chief administrator for the US Constitution Party. 

The main rule is no lawyers who are current members of the International B.A.R., have a financial relationship with the UN, international police union/Teacher's Union, and/or those who do not support the US Constitution as originally ratified and/or who don't support term limits.

Paper ballots, hand counted, stored for a recount within a reasonable period if there is legitimate dispute to results, and voting in person, with proper ID, by citizens who are legitimately authorized to vote. The very few exceptions should be military that are out of US as part of official duties. 

The UN, Socialist Democrat Party, World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, the Billionaire Bad Boys Club might be the biggest fecal matter exporters, and importers, and maybe you should mask up, and butt plug up just to safe ...

If the below video doesn't play, click on time code below this blog post to isolate this post. 

The below video on [Free Speech Warrior Video Channel], and other recently posted are a "must see". 

This blogger's contact information can be [found here]. The source of top photo can be found on the Stark Raving Viking blog. The source of the photo below that is [here].


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