Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Joe Biden Reset, Will Chinese Cruise Missiles be sent to Statue of Liberty, Mt. Rushmore, etc?

China faced starvation and being broken up like the former USSR in 2019. Chickens and pigs died off in China due to viruses. Crops failed. A rabbit had to be pulled out of a hat. China can now use all farms, and all sources of meat in US, Americans don't deserve to eat, and all military, and other, cemeteries should be plowed under to feed China, right?

Like China, the Rothschild World Bank Ponzi Scheme where they say they have money, and print it, and create it digitally out of thin air was going to be exposed for the absolute fraud that it is. The glue that is going to keep all this going, where 95% of us can be eliminated to make more room for them is ... we the people of the world are just that stupid, fat, and lazy to do anything about it.

It is estimated that 12 to 35 million Americans actually voted for Joe Biden in some circles. Most were voting against Donald J. Trump, as what is there to actually like about Robert Hunter Biden, Jimmy Biden, and especially Joe Biden?

What does Joe Biden stand for? Well he is a place holder for Kamala Harris who isn't giving up her California US Senate Seat to the very last minute as she probably had no faith in Joe Biden, and knows that his election is the most obviously fraudulent in the entire history of the United States of America until its term ends tomorrow.

Because Harris was a prosecutor who took extra pleasure in putting innocent Blacks in prison, and keeping them there beyond their terms, Harris was the least popular Democrat US Presidential Candidate for 2020.

The Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the Clintons, the Obamas, and about 2/3 of the elected officials are Lawyers, members of the B.A.R. Association, a foreign entity answerable to the UN, Rothschild World Bank, Communist China, and the whims of the Billionaire Bad Boys' Club.

A possible prediction for 2021, is that all who oppose the US Constitution and the displacing of mostly White Males out of families, out of houses, jobs, and out of society into indefinite detention camps, the 3rd World will come into occupy the houses, jobs, and country of those deamed White Supremacist Racists.

All US Holidays have to be revamped to eliminate anything about religion and White Heterosexual Males. All national monuments need be destroyed. All signs, business, and tests for being subjects of the UN Section of NWO, the NU North America Union will be in Chinese, and Spanish.

White Heterosexual Males need to be purged out of the military and police right away. All those who ever said anything electronically positive of Donald J. Trump need to be tracked down, tortured, and executed.

You "Voted" for all this right? The UN, China, and the Rothschild World Bank are now in charge. You have not rights. You own nothing. Shut up and like it, or die.

Be proud. Pedophilia can completely be out in the open now, no consequences. Life has no value. Pedophilia Compromised Judges, UN Child Traffickers, members of the B.A.R. Association, Lawyers, Chinese Communists, the Rothschild World Bank, Billionaires, and all officials world wide have contact tracing on all of us to remove any of us not on the same page, enjoy.

To support Joe Biden, the Rothschild World Bank, and the Chinese Communist System, always wear a mask, social distance, obey all rules, and turn in anyone who does not. Comrades, the People's Revolution and/or the Final Solution is nearing complete accomplishment. 

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Pedophilia Today, Pedophilia Tomorrow, Pedophilia Forever!!! Joe Biden won fair, and square.

You believe 2 Democrats won in Georgia with same Chinese Voting Machines that allowed Joe Biden his historic win. So, you're going to get what you voted for.

Tell children that Santa Claus died of the Cerveza Bug. You might as well tell children now. They need to learn early that life is going to be a disappointment.

There will never be another Christmas, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and since Martin Luther King was proven to be a racist by George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and "The In Crowd" and their fact checkers, that King's ideas are proven bad with the Biden win, and all the other holidays are now banned as well.

With contact tracing, elites can start the online kid auctions. China is owed a lot of money. The Rothschild World Bank owes everything in the world, digitally. So, now it is time to pay your debts that you owe the bank for being born.

There is no need to pretend anymore, all those who fought for Freedom, actually fought so a Pedophile could be leader of the Free World. Freedom is Slavery, so that is why you have to give up Freedom.

The Hillary Clinton Death Warrants can be served on [Alex Jones] #1, and Donald J. Trump, #2 and all on her list can all be delivered. Since Religion is now illegal, the Deep State can now laugh, piss on, then dismantle these graves. The Rothschild World Bank now owns everything, and the below haven't paid their rent, nor their taxes to the NWO, so they face digital erasure as well.


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Dorsey & Zuckerberg, "Shut up Dumb Bitch" to Trump, Felony Contempt of US Presidency?

Jack Dorsey of Twitter Fame and Mark Zuckerberg need to have the modern equivalent to being fed to the Lyons.

When these rich brats throttle Free Speech for the entire Free World, and show contempt for the highest office in the land, there should be consequences. These platforms are somewhat of a utility. What if there were an emergency, 911, and the platforms needed to be used to inform the public of a national emergency?

These brats want to only expound their Leftest/Communist Drabble for the peasants, and live like royalty. But, if they blocked the call to the Fire Department to put out the fire, then they should be liable. These turd skid marks facilitated the greatest theft in the history of the world, and both almost alone, nullified the US Constitution and what every Veteran of every foreign war fought for, and pissed on their graves.

Even though Dorsey and Twitter blocked the free flow of information to benefit a highly bribed puppet to the tune of 100s of millions of dollars, Joe Biden, it is not a joke they both laugh and smirk about, it is a high crime. 

Giving aid, and comfort to an enemy in a Trade War, to China and Rothschild World Bank is Treason.


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This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com




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"There is an Active War with China."

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