Thursday, January 14, 2021

30,000 Military Crime Victims, Live Ammo, Guarding Those who took China/World Bank Money to Destroy US?

News is breaking that the World Bank, China, and George Soros agent provacateurs are the catalysts to the supposed attack on the Capitol being Trump Supporters. So, is the National Guard protecting those who are the problem, like in the Gremlins movie if they are fed after midnight and got wet?

[Gremlins Movie 1984 IMDb]

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Is Joe Biden involved in De-facto Repeal of the US Constitution? Is there an end to private property and basic human rights all over the "Free World" as a result of China and the World Bank installing an alleged career criminal pedophile into White House? Share this post.

If Judges won't due their sworn duty to honor and defend the US Constitution because they made an oath that supersedes that, to be compromised at an early age to be controlled through black mail, bribes, and a general love of the most debase behavior known to the human race, should they be trusted?

If they judges are unwilling, unable, and are being told by foreign entities not to do their jobs paid with taxpayer dollars, shouldn't these parasites be removed, prosecuted, and pay back the American People for their theft as oxygen thieves? That probably goes as well for anyone who is a member of the B.A.R. Association, a foreign criminal entity that only seems to serve the Rothschild World Bank, not us. 2/3 of these DC Critters are lawyers.

The majority of Americans who pull the freight of the nation paying taxes, just can't fathom the ridiculousness of the past 4 years. The tantrums, riots, looting, and Jerry Springer audience behavior has been non-stop. Trump supporters came to DC just to show the world there are millions for Trump, 8 people in circles not paid to be there, or also in on the steal.

I think it is really convenient for actual justice having the Military in DC. If the court system is completely broken, and is run by lust for pedophilia, it needs to be ripped out, and replaced. Judges have been the termites eating at the wood structure of the United States.

I hope their is enough rope in Gitmo if they start sending lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and the 2/3 of Congress Critter that are lawyers to address their theft of oxygen on the planet.

"Kill All the Lawyers" - William Shakespeare [Direct Link to Video] (I don't think all the lawyers and all those in the B.A.R. Association should be killed unless they took bribe money from China, or the World Bank, directly or indirectly, if this was to weaken and/or destroy our sovereign nation. And, if these critters are judged by a military tribunal which can address these crimes that mostly Democrats that have become the most lawless, immoral, and treasonous in the history of the United States of America.)

"Don't Ever Feed Him After Midnight" | Gremlins Movie Trailer | Warner Bros. UK

MUST SEE: Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Joe Biden’s Latest Staff Choice and it Will Make your Blood Boil [Direct Link to Video] (Don't worry, the entire country will be like Portland, Oregon, shortly if Biden isn't brought before a military tribunal for giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, and for all the corruption that the FBI is too complicit in profiting from too. Judges can't go against their lawyer code of actually acting for average Americans in America. See next post in this blog for more.)

[Image up top was found here]


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