Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Trump capitulates to a Career Criminal Fraud Pedophile who Sold the Free World to the World Bank and China.

Trump's bank's accounts have been frozen or seized. There is a Washington DC Warrant to arrest Donald J. Trump, for his son, and for Trump's lawyer Rudi. The Left wants them arrested, treated like common criminals, and in prison or murdered on the streets by a mob before Joe gets sworn in.

Joe Biden has been taking bribes, having Enron type scams taking money from average people from all over the world to split it with other corrupt world leaders. If it weren't for the Judge pedophile network, Obamas, Bidens, Clintons and all this corporate and banking corruption wouldn't be possible.

Hillary Clinton corrupted judges is what allows election rigging. The Clinton allegedly have been compromised by China and the World Bank from at least mid 1990s so they could get a 2nd term, and not get prosecuted for felonies for all the crimes the Clinton committed as co-Governors of Arkansas.

Because Trump is a wimp, and a loser, billions of people around the world will die, and America dies to never exist again. If there is a hell, Trump needs to go there before any of the Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas and allowed all of the Swamp to now openly rape children, sell them, eat them, and have Satanic rituals with torture, Trump deserves to burn in hell first.

Trump was the last hope for humanity ...

In what was his last speech, he talk about the speed of getting vaccines ... obviously the dude just doesn't get it ...

Not one major network covered a sitting US President's speech. Trump's bank accounts were seized with no hearing. Possibly all his property has been seized as well. What hope do you have. Your kids, and anything now is seized as well, especially your children. That is partially what this is all about. Judges want more abundant children of higher quality to use, and to sell, at their leisure. 

There are plenty of links and embedded videos in previous posts. 

If Trump doesn't take action and use the military to put down the coup, the coup will kill Trump and his whole family, and anyone who ever praised Trump in a conversation, text, email, or video. I don't expect to live out the year. Just what I have posted here might mean my door is kicked in January 21, 2021, and 

I will be black bagged, tagged. 

Bodies will put in a half size shipping container, overflowing, and just flown over deep water by a 2 rotor helicopter and dumped. 

As were Blacks who were taken out by State Police Snipers and S.W.A.T in the 3 day news blackout in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Louisiana. Thousands of African Americans were shot, loaded in half size shipping containers, and then flown over deep water and just dumped.

All Trump and US Constitution supporters may face the same fate.  

Image up top was [found here]. 

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There are plenty of links and embedded videos in previous posts.


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com




SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

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