The Inner Spider Web of Corrupt Government?
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Cynthia Egan allegedly was caught making personal charges on a union credit card. By most this would be considered theft and an employee should be fired, right? Well, it seems that Ms. Egan got another job inside, allegedly, with more pay and responsibility. What does that say?
The below story happened in Connecticut. The rest of our states and nation are probably as bad, maybe not as blatant as Connecticut.
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They did it again!
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Judicial Local 749,
On the evening of Thursday October 22, 2009 the Elections Committee of your Local made a decision and notified the nominees running that the election has been postponed. Your Election Committee –hand picked by Tony Duarte and the other current officers of Executive Board - is ordering a new meeting complete with new nominations for Executive Board Officers.
(We have a suspicion that they are just really unhappy that our team was nominated!)
The Elections Committee Chairperson -Terri Farrar- is stating that there were approximately eighty (80) people who wanted to nominate people to serve on the Board and claim they did not receive notification of the meeting for nominations! During that meeting, the Elections Committee had Members there available to re-nominate themselves and the incumbent members of the Executive Board.
We, the Team of Ondusko, Pacuk, Chavez, & Novaco entered our nominations and the meeting concluded. Had "we" not been present, your current Executive Board would have certainly voted themselves in to office for another 3 year term. If this had happened, do you really believe that eighty people not being notified would now be an issue? We don't think so either! Here's why,
Keeping in step with their mentor- Cindy Egan, the current officers of this Local’s Executive Board/Elections Committee expects you to now believe that:
1) Out of 1650+ Union Members, the eighty (80) members that claim they weren't notified were the ones that actually wanted to nominate people?
2) That it's the State's fault in that they rely on them for the mailing list?
3) That they want to be fair?
And, there is also the question: Of the 80, how many actually did receive notification but did not pay close attention to their own mail?
* It is our contention: that a Local should know who their Members are.
* It is also our contention: that the Elections Committee has violated Local 749's Constitution which clearly states that officers Elections are to be held in October.
* It is another contention: that the Election Committee fulfilled its duty in notifying its Members of the meeting for nominations and election by using the “last best list” of addresses on hand at the Local’s hall of all of its Members for the notification mailing.
On this page you will find links to correspondence that John Ondusko has initiated on behalf of the Members. As you will see from their responses, the Apple's certainly haven't fallen far from the tree!
Please voice your concern and finally put a stop to shenanigans of the current leadership of this Local and an apparently biased Elections Committee.
Making up the rules as you go along is not how an Executive Board should be run. And not with your money!
Click here to view Interim President Tony Duarte's response to us dated 10/23/2009 @ 12:48 PM
Click here to view Letter from John Ondusko to President of AFSCME International Gerald McEntee and Council 4 President Sal Lucianno dated 10/24/2009 @ 4:24 PM
If you disagree with the way your current Executive Board and Elections Committee are conducting this election, please speak your mind and contact these individuals and plead for intervention to ensure a monitored and honest election.
AFSCME International, Gerald McEntee, President:
AFSCME Council 4, Sal Luciano, President:
Or, (good luck!)
Let them know that in the future we want to meet one another and say "HI," but to us, it will mean that we stand for Honesty and Integrity!
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Watch my new campaign video!
Author: Tony12 Oct
Please take a moment to watch my new campaign video “Meet Tony Duarte…”
Click on the play button, then click the “HD” button to view in High-Definition!
- Filed under: Uncategorized
Meeting new neighbors…
Author: Tony5 Oct
It’s been my pleasure to see many new faces and meet many great people out in town as I’ve been talking voters about the issues that matter to parents, students, and taxpayers. I’m encouraged by the support I have received and I hope I can count on your vote on November 3rd. Thanks again!
- Filed under: Uncategorized
Running for Board of Education
Author: Tony25 Jul
It is an honor to be nominated to run for South Windsor’s Board of Education. I look forward to listening to voters this summer and fall! Election day is November 3, 2009 – See you at the polls!
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Terri Farrar
joe novaco
Wed, Oct 21, 2009 5:09 pm
Hi Joe I will get back to you. I believe I can have the current recording secretary, Doreen print out a list for you. She is the one that keeps the list updated. Let me check it out and see.
----- Original Message ----- From: joe novaco To: Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 3:37 PM Subject: Election Terri, My name is Joe Novaco and I am running for the position of Recording Secretary. I would like to know what the procedure(s) are for how and when to obtain mailing lables and the procedure for actually doing the mailings. I am aware that I would provide the postage. Thanking you in advance, Joe-
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RE: election
Sal Luciano
Tricia Cardin
Fri, Oct 23, 2009 9:54 am
The election committee appointed by the local controls the elections. It rules are written that way to make sure the local (and only the local) determines their leadership by democratic vote. If the election committee determines they want Council 4’s help, we will certainly help.
From: [] Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 7:08 AM To:;;;; Sal Luciano;;
Subject: Re: election
Will the next notification be sent "Certified, Return Receipt Requested?" This seems to be a constant problem with every election or vote that this Local holds. The Local's web-site was updated in advance clearly announcing that a meeting was being held for nominations of Executive Board Members. I would suggest that Council 4 verify the validity of these 80 members and ensure that their names were in fact on a mailing list, and that a mailing did go out to them. Joe Novaco
-----Original Message-----
From: Terri Farrar
To: FREDERIC Cassioppo JR
Subject: election
Hi all, I am contacting you to notify you that the election of Officers for Local 749 will be postponed. There were 80 members who did not receive the notice of nominations and election. The election committee has decided that to re-send the notice to the membership thus rescheduling the nominations for a date to be determined. I will contact you all within 24 hours with the new information.
Thank you Terri Farrar Election Committee Chair
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-----Original Message-----
From: John Ondusko <>
To: Terri Farrar
Cc: Sal Luciano
Sent: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 10:19 am Subject:
Re: election
Terry, The constitution of AFSCME Local 749, Article 5, section 2 states that “All local nominations and elections shall be held in the month of October.”
Your election committee fulfilled it’s duty to notify the members with a mailing that met the rule of notification as stated in the AFSCME Local Union Election Manual, Item 3, Notice of nominations. Your election committee then held a nominations meeting on October 8, 2009, exactly as noticed in the mailing. The 80 members that you say were not notified have no cause because you as a committee have faithfully complied with all the rules. To postpone this election would be a violation of the Local's constitution.
Therefore, this election must continue as in the notice that was mailed and also posted on the Local’s website.
Respectfully, John O
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Fw: election
John Ondusko <>
Terri A Farrar
Cc:; Brenda Chavez <>; Joseph I. Novaco
Sun, Oct 25, 2009 7:14 am
Terry, I am resending my original e-mail to you dated, (Friday, October 23, 2009 10:19:07 AM,) to correct a "typo" that I am sure really didn't confuse anyone. But just to be clear, the first sentence should have read: "The constitution of AFSCME Local 749, Article 6, section 2 states that “All local nominations and elections shall be held in the month of October.”
Anyone who had a copy of the constitution in hand would have realized exactly what article I was refering to, since I obviously was talking about "Officers, Nominations and Elections." I have a question:
Why did you not respond to the original e-mail sent almost two days ago, to straighten this "typo" out right away? As a matter of fact, you've never responded to it! I would think that as Chair of the election committee, charged with all the duties to ensure a timely and fair election, a timely response to my original e-mail was in order.
So again,I restate it is Article 6 (Roman numeral "VI",) "Officers, Nominations and Elections," the Article in our local's constitution of which the Chair of the election committee and the committee members should already have full knowledge. Respectfully, John O
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: John Ondusko <>
To: Terri Farrar
Cc: Sal Luciano
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:19:07 AM Subject:
Re: election
Terry, The constitution of AFSCME Local 749, Article 5, section 2 states that “All local nominations and elections shall be held in the month of October.”
Your election committee fulfilled it’s duty to notify the members with a mailing that met the rule of notification as stated in the AFSCME Local Union Election Manual, Item 3, Notice of nominations. Your election committee then held a nominations meeting on October 8, 2009, exactly as noticed in the mailing. The 80 members that you say were not notified have no cause because you as a committee have faithfully complied with all the rules. To postpone this election would be a violation of the Local's constitution. Therefore, this election must continue as in the notice that was mailed and also posted on the Local’s website.
Respectfully, John O
From: Terri Farrar
To: FREDERIC Cassioppo JR
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:07:50 PM
Subject: election
Hi all, I am contacting you to notify you that the election of Officers for Local 749 will be postponed. There were 80 members who did not receive the notice of nominations and election. The election committee has decided that to re-send the notice to the membership thus rescheduling the nominations for a date to be determined. I will contact you all within 24 hours with the new information.
Thank you Terri Farrar
Election Committee Chair
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Re: election
Tony Duarte
Fri, Oct 23, 2009 12:48 pm
Greeting to All ; You have valid points and concerns. The mailing list is generated by State not the union. It is extremely costly to send every notice to every member certified , at $5.40 each it would cost the local $ 8640 dollars just for postage only never mind the cost for the documents . We depend on the list being accurate.
But I have found it to be frequently incorrect. As to the decision to postponed this election I think it was the proper thing to do. Considering that there is the possibility that some of those 80 people might have nominated others or been nominated. I realize that info was posted on the website, but I found many people never go to the website or even know we have a website.
--- On Fri, 10/23/09,
Subject: Re: election
To:,,,,,, Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 11:07 AM
Will the next notification be sent "Certified, Return Receipt Requested?"
This seems to be a constant problem with every election or vote that this Local holds. The Local's web-site was updated in advance clearly announcing that a meeting was being held for nominations of Executive Board Members. I would suggest that Council 4 verify the validity of these 80 members and ensure that their names were in fact on a mailing list, and that a mailing did go out to them.
Joe Novaco
-----Original Message-----
From: Terri Farrar
To: FREDERIC Cassioppo JR
Sent: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 10:07 pm
Subject: election
Hi all,
I am contacting you to notify you that the election of Officers for Local 749 will be postponed. There were 80 members who did not receive the notice of nominations and election. The election committee has decided that to re-send the notice to the membership thus rescheduling the nominations for a date to be determined.
I will contact you all within 24 hours with the new information.
Thank you
Terri Farrar
Election Committee Chair
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Fw: election
John Ondusko <>
To:; Sal Luciano
Brenda Chavez <>; Joseph I. Novaco
Sat, Oct 24, 2009 4:24 pm
Dear Presidents McEntee and Luciano, As I am sure you are aware, the current 3 year term for the officers of AFSCME Local 749 expires at the end of this month. That's why the constitution for AFSCME Local 749 demands that the nominations and election of officers for the next term take place in the month of October. It appears that the Chairperson of the election committee, Terry Farrar thinks that she has the right to declare Marshal Law and order that the election be postponed!
Before this gets totally out of hand, please inform her and the election committee that this election must take place on October 29th. 2009, as noted on the mailer that went out to the last best addresses of the members in a timely fashion according to AFSCME Local Union Election Manual, Item 3, Notice of nominations.
(see attached scanned pdf of the mailing)
My research into AFSCME's election code clearly spells out that any protests (which seem to be what Ms. Farrar is using in her attempt to postpone,) are to be filed in a timely manner "after the election."
I realize that it's up to the election committee to ask you for help, but it seems obvious to me that help is needed. Maybe one or both of you can ask the committee if they need help. There is still plenty of time to get this election done so that we do not violate our Local's constitution. I, as one of the nominees, am personally requesting at this point that appropriate oversight of this election by AFSCME be put in place to ensure that is carryied out according AFSCME's election code and rules.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Respectfully, John Ondusko, Regional VP AFSCME Local 749
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sal Luciano
To: ""
Cc: Tricia Cardin
Subject: RE: election
The election committee appointed by the local controls the elections. It rules are written that way to make sure the local (and only the local) determines their leadership by democratic vote.
If the election committee determines they want Council 4’s help, we will certainly help.
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Re: election
John Ondusko <>
Tony Duarte
Cc:; Brenda Chavez <>; Joseph I. Novaco
Sat, Oct 24, 2009 11:32 pm
Hello Tony, No more phones...Hard copies are best.
I do not know who is advising The Chair of the election committee, Terri Farrar, but she and her committee have deliberately and blatantly chosen to violate this Local's constitution regarding the election of officers.
Between you and me,(and of course everyone else cc'd on this,)
Ms. Farrar and her committee are hours away from me (together with a few other members,) filing formal charges with respect to these violations. You, as our current interim President, should be just as upset as I with her performance as Chair of this election committee and in particular this decision to institute "Marshal Law" to postpone the election and yet you are not. It almost makes me wonder if it is you that is advising her!
You do know that the election committee is the only committee that the current President may NOT be part of? And by the way, wasn't it Terri who chaired the election committee 3 years ago, and violated the election code and it was protested and the election was overturned and had to be re-done?
Golly, that last sentence had four “ands!” Yet, you as current interim President, specifically picked Terri to Chair again on this election committee. And here we go again. It smells to high heaven. There is one thing quite different this time though. The error of her decision, the violation of our constitution and total disregard of the election code has been succinctly and precisely pointed out by yours truly…and in plenty of time for Ms. Farrar and her committee to correct their decision and proceed with this election on October 29, 2009, as most all of the members are expecting.
And if for some reason that does not happen, Terri Farrar and the election committee should not be allowed the chance to add additional violations to their record and should be summarily discharged from these duties by the Executive Board. Read our constitution, Tony…it says this election is to take place in October. Read the election code, Tony…it says any and all protests are to be filed “after the election.”
Members who say that they were not notified need to file a protest in a timely manner “after the election.” The election code is clear on this. It does not take a lawyer to understand it. If you cannot understand this, maybe you should be contacting Sal Luciano, Executive Director of Council 4 as I have. He’s done these elections so many times, I’m sure he knows the rules!
Respectfully, John O
From: Tony Duarte
Cc: trish cardin
Subject: Re: election
Hi John ; I am available to discuss it by phone anytime, you have my number..
From: John Ondusko <>
To: Tony Duarte
Subject: Re: election
Tony, I'm sure by now that Terry has forwarded my reply to her from earlier this am. 80 members saying they didn't get notified does not mean that they didn't receive notification. Our constitution states the month of October is the month for this election. To arbitrarily postpone this election would be a violation of our constitution. This election should proceed as scheduled.
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Fw: election
John Ondusko <>
Brenda Chavez <>; Joseph I. Novaco
Sun, Oct 25, 2009 8:29 pm
Dear President McEntee:
Would yould please forward the following e-mail to AFSCME's current Judicial Panel Chair. It has to do with filing charges against the Election Committee for Local 749. (You should have an e-mail dated 10/24 addressed to you and Sal Luciano of Council 4 from me concerning the following...)
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO 1625 L Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036-5687
Attn: Chairperson of the Judicial Panel In accordance with my right to file formal charges against a member or members under the Bill of Rights for Union Members from the AFSCME Constitution, I do charge all participating members of the current election committee for AFSCME Local 749 with the following:
Violating the Local’s constitution. The constitution of AFSCME Local 749, Article 6, "Officers, Nominations and Elections,"section 2 states that
“All local nominations and elections shall be held in the month of October.”
(Please see below as this is a forward of an e-mail from Terri Farrar, Chair of the election committee, stating that the October election will be postponed.)
(Chair Farrar and her committee obviously think they can ignore the Local’s constitutional demand for an October election.)
This is violation #1.
Violating the AFSCME constitution, Appendix D - Elections Code, Section 4. “Challenges and protests”,
Item B. (Chair Farrar and her committee are in receipt of protests and they have entertained them and moved on them prior to even conducting the election which is not in accordance with the cited section of the elections code.)
This is violation # 2.
Violating the AFSCME constitution, under the Bill of Rights for Union Members, item # 4. (Chair Farrar and her committee are in violation of this item because of the above violations #s 1 & 2. The membership of this local deserves a fair election where proper election procedures are followed. This committee has not.)
This is violation # 3.
The names of the (5) members who make up the above referenced AFSCME Local 749 election committee are: Terri Farrar, Election Committee Chair (Retired Employee*) Filomena Sullivan, Manda Manzotti, Gail Little & Judy Sainz * Is this a violation?
This election is scheduled for Oct. 29, 2009. As webmaster for the Local, ( )
I have not received any official notice to post that the election has been postponed. The membership is still under the impression that this election is happening this Thurday. It is actually not too late to avoid these violations if AFSCME immediately lent their assistance to ensure the election for this local takes place as scheduled.
In solidarity, John Ondusko, Regional VP for Local 749
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Terri Farrar
John Ondusko <>
Tony Duarte
Mon, Oct 26, 2009 3:55 pm
Hi John Let me recap the events and emails from the last 48 hours(or so) to the best of my ability. I will do it this way instead of calling you as I stated in my email to you yesterday. I see that you prefer hard copy information as opposed to a phone call so here it goes.
On 10/22 it was brought to my attention that 80 members did not receive the mailing notice of nominations and elections. In other words the cards were never mailed. I contacted the other 4 members of the committee and explained to them what had happened.
As a committee we weighed the options. We thought it was best to postpone the election to make sure(according to the Constitution) that " a notice of the nominations and elections shall be mailed to each member at the member's last known address."
That night I sent an email to or called the candidates, notifying them of the change. On 10/23 I sent an email to Joe Navaco (which I cc'd you) that the 80 cards in question had not been mailed out. You sent me an email stating that you felt that the "committee faithfully complied with the rules" and that we should move forward with the election as planned.
Thanks for that vote of confidence John but the committee disagreed . By not including these 80 members we have not fulfilled our obligation as a committee. As you mentioned in one of your emails protests can be filed after the election.
In fact they can be filed (in writing)as soon as the election is completed or within 10 days afterwards. You sent me several emails over the weekend. You also Cc'd me on those that you sent to Tony, Sal Luciano, Pres. McEntee the candidates and the entire Executive board. With each email it seemed your frustration with the Committee's decision grew and when talking about me your tone, more sniping. I didn't respond quick enough to you, I had no right to postpone the election, Marshal Law?
John that's a bit dramatic. You even sent me an email reprimanding me for not fixing a "typo" in your email to me!
Take a deep breath John and read my email from 10/22 again.
I have provided it below. 10/22/09 9:07 P.M. Hi all, I am contacting you to notify you that the election of Officers for Local 749 will be postponed. There were 80 members who did not receive the notice of nominations and election. The election committee has decided that to re-send the notice to the membership thus rescheduling the nominations for a date to be determined. I will contact you all within 24 hours with the new information.
Terri Farrar
Election Comittee Chair
Here is the new information. The nominations will be held on November 16th @ 7:30 in Meriden. The Election of Officers will be November 30th at the following locations. Derby, Milford, Danbury, Bridgeport Juvenile and Golden Hill, Middletown, Enfield, Bristol, Manchester, New Britain, Hartford@ 95 Washington and Hartford Juvenile, Wethersfield, Bantam, New Haven Juvenile and Church Street,
Meriden, Rockville, Norwich, New London, Stamford, Norwalk, Waterbury, Danielson and Willimantic Juvenile.
I would appreciate it if you could updated the Local's website to reflect these changes.
Terri Farrar
Election Committee Chair
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[click here] for:
Nepotism and Corruption in the Connecticut Judicial Branch?
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[click here] for post:
Am I a Turd in a Punchbowl?

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal
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Judicial License to Steal?

[click here for more]
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Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Government Goon Unions?

Cartoon image stolen [from here]
Service Employees International Union
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a labor union representing about 1.8 million workers[1] in over 100 occupations in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. The main divisions are health care (around 50% of the union's membership), including hospital, home care and nursing home workers, public services (government employees), and property services (including janitors and security officers). SEIU has over 300 local branches. It is affiliated with the Change to Win Federation and the Canadian Labour Congress. It is based in Washington, D.C., and has seven internal divisions: Communications, Education, Human Rights, International Affairs, Organization, Political, and Research.
SEIU is sometimes referred to as the "purple ocean," easily recognized at political events thanks to the union's purple shirts. The union is also known for its Justice for Janitors campaigns.
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Are most police, court workers, town halls etc controlled by union bosses? [this post may enlighten you]
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Former Norwalk, Connecticut, Mayor Bill Collins talks about police officers plastering police union stickers on his car, his home, drinking and throwing beer bottles on his porch, abducting and beating citizens while wearing ski masks etc. The testimony is from an official Judiciary Committee legislative hearing back in December 1996, but not much has changed. More recently an officer allegedly committed "suicide" by hold an AK-47 out from himself by the barrel, and shot himself dead. The officer who allegedly committed suicide was said to have reported other officers for child pornography, rape, and/or other crimes committed, and obviously can no longer testify as a witness.
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Andrea Wilson was the former assistant head of the Judicial Worker's Union in Connecticut. She exposes the tip of the total corruption iceberg going on in Connecticut, and probably in all states.
Text with video:
Are Connecticut Judges being bribed in Cocaine?
Part 2 of the Judicial Branch's THE PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRUST COMMISSION, click here:
The above video was shot 12-6-2007 at the Bridgeport, CT, Superior Court.
It is a contination of the first meeting at the Connecticut Supreme Court:
Andrea Wilson, of Bethel, CT, really sticks her neck out. I don't yet know the name of the judicial branch employee who was 2nd to speak. Andrea is, or maybe now, was, a worker in the court library at Stamford, Connecticut, Superior Court.
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This blogger's email:
Complain and phone in your union complaint here:
Bridgeport Police Union Local 1159 Afscme-AFL CIO
300 Congress St, Bridgeport, CT
(203) 336-3711
Make sure to tell them what corner you are standing on.
The State of Connecticut has been all over this post for days.
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