Sunday, March 06, 2022

Trillions of US Taxpayer Dollars Used to Shoot Depleted Uranium Rounds into War Zones for Insiders to make Trillions in Profit for “Clean Up of Toxic Waste”?


At least from 1987-1989, DEPLETED URANIUM TESTED ON VERMONT NATIONAL GUARD SITTING ON SABO MILITARY TANK ROUNDS AS GUINEA PIGS? NATIONAL GUARD GIVEN CRYSTAL METHAMPHETAMINE PURE WORTH 10S OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR SILENCE AND FOR DoD, Pentagon, and foreign bank & corporate entities doing work for the Deep State for US tax dollars wanted, and got, a get-out-of-jail-for-free-card & trillions of tax dollars hand over fist.

Just ask Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, the Clintons, Bidens, & even the Obamas.

Sabo rounds in a military tank, are often depleted Uranium from Nuclear Plants, and the Uranium can't touch the barrel to shoot out of the tank. So, there is a type of plastic, or other metal that "sheds" as the round hits something. National Guard in Vermont were given custom made rounds with Uranium in them to "test" and were told that they would penetrate a bullet proof vest, at the same time they got $10,000 worth of street drugs, Crystal Meth.

Nothing to see here ...

National Guardsmen were made to sit on Depleted Uranium rounds in a tank all weekend for "Guard Duty". Sean, or Shawn, was crapping his pants, had health problems, and was not the same in Castleton Vermont. I shot some of his sabo deer rifle depleted Uranium rounds. I saw his $10,000 bag of Crystal Meth.

The Iraq War happened after. Contractors for the Pentagon and DoD sent Nuclear Waste from Nuclear Plants, and got billions, to trillions of dollars to shoot depleted Uranium all over Iraq. I won't even go into the vaccines, and other bio-weapons that were injected into soldiers back then for "testing".

I know from being a kid in the 1960s, that my Monsanto father was really a Chinese spy, and was part of the narcotics, drugs, and child trafficking with China, UN, and World Bankers. I can't unsee what I saw. I can't unhear, what I heard.

If you DuckDuckGo word search what Hillary Clinton did to Libyan leader Gaddaffi for being competition for the World Bank, and the coming invasion of all of the "Free World" you will understand everything. Toxic wastes is put in municipal water supply and taxpayers are charged all they will ever make for the privilege.

The Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens start wars so that nuclear plant waste is "deposited" in warzones, and trillions are made from US taxpayers for this "service". Check my Gab Channel, and links, I break it down.


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