Friday, February 11, 2022

Most Okay with Canadians Overthrowing Illegitimate Government? (Opinion)

Ottawa Canada authorities are murdering family unity, financial stability, and the fabric of a nation. So, these globalists 1st answer to Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street Financial, Fidelity, JP Morgan etc, China, and the United Nations as part of a hostile corporate takeover.

Elite politicians all knew what was coming. Since there is a travel, and basic human rights, lock up bribes can be taken openly. A politician will offshore all of what the people rightly own, just to put another dollar in his pocket.

Trucks are the 2nd homes, livelihood, and what supports the family so there is shelter, food, clothing, and living. So, if illegitimate installed puppets paid off by the hostile corporate takeover, then it is okay to respond in kind.

An eye for an eye.

A tooth for a tooth.

A death for a death. We have a larger number. 

Steven G. Erickson, Chief Administrator of the US Constitution Party 

Disclaimer: it is not advocating violence. It is not turning the other cheek. It is not getting on one's knees, submitting to tyranny, and then just giving up one's life willingly. 

To Joe Biden: F' you. F' you on masks. F' you on vaccine mandates. F' you on QR Codes. F' you on your taking bribes from China to do all this harm to all of America, and all the harm and death you have caused. Hey Joe, did you F' your own kids? 

F' you Joe. Over 60% of the World knows you a fake, a greedy incestuous pedophile, who has no practice telling the truth to know what is like. No world leader takes you seriously, Joe. 

Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin etc. probably ask themselves, "Hey Joy, did you F' your own kids?"

Trillions of Dollars Int. Asset Managers Own All Media Most Jab Profit Blockade Cali for UN/China?

[Direct link to video] My email, address, and phone number in the bottom video:


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